Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rachel had baby #3...Third boy!

Luke Leon Kowatch
Friday, 7.25.08
7lbs. 7oz./ 19.5"

Swift delivery, mama Rachel and baby Luke are doing GREAT! Lots of sandtrayin' goin' on in that house!!

Hope you're all having a great summer! Be looking for e-mails from growingedgeadventure this fall! Did you all here about the EMDR training that Shana is organizing? Hope many of you can attend! Happy, lazy last summer days, Tina


Theresa Fraser said...

What a beautiful baby to add to a blessed family. Your boys are gorgeous Rachel ! Hope that you get some rest. I have been thinking of you fondly. love T

Merry Stanford said...

Just saw this post! Woo-hoo! Blessings to the grown family - boys are a whole lot of fun. Many psychic hugs coming your way.
